Guess what i bring for you .Today i’m going to share you something that is exactly you are looking for.Before that let me tell you something.
Usually you start your computer, open the browser and head over to Google. But when you attempt to connect to Google, you are automatically redirected to other websites that advise you to download all kinds of unknown applications for cleaning what seems to be an infected system. It happened to you, it happened to us, it’s just becoming a common thing. But what’s happening, after all?
Chances are that your computer is infected with CoolWebSearch. Or maybe you prefer CoolWwwSearch,, YouFindAll, or one of the many names this browser infection uses when hijacking applications.
An antivirus solution is sometimes useless, as some of them are still struggling to remove the infected files and clean the computer. Still, the guys over at Trend Micro have developed CWShredder, a dedicated application that does just that: it removes CoolWebSearch and keeps your browsers secure.
Since the whole disinfection process might be a bit complicated when you have to deal with infected files, CWShredder has been designed as a stand-alone executable file than doesn’t require installation and that’s compatible with all Windows versions.
Though not a full-blown anti-adware application, this program handles its one job with aplomb. As you might guess from its name, the main purpose of CWShredder is to purge your PC of the notoriously nasty malware component known as CoolWebSearch. The minimal interface reflects the app’s narrow focus, with only a few buttons for scanning your machine and repairing problems. if your machine is already infected with this icky piece of adware, we suggest you download this free app at once.
All you have to do is to open this tiny tool and start the scanning process. It takes just a while, as our test has demonstrated that scanning the whole system takes approximately 10 seconds. Sure, our systems where entirely clean, but the removal should be quick as well, If everything works as it should.
you won’t find a better tool to get rid of CoolWebSearch. However, keep in mind that in order to stay on the safe side, even after cleaning up your system, you must install a full antivirus solution, be it free or paid 
Be happy and make happy all people around you 
Coolwebshredder | File Size : 202 KB | Download
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